Mechanisms and improvement measures for ensuring reliable quality
In accordance with our management philosophy of contributing to societal advancement and harmony by providing translation and documentation services in fields related to cutting-edge industrial technologies and culture, we cater our services to the needs of the individual client with the aim of helping them to achieve success.
ISO 9001 certification
To ensure that we meet the highest quality standards, we have acquired ISO 9001 certification and deployed methods and processes for improving quality throughout the company.
ISO 9001 is an international standard for management systems that focuses on the processes involved in creating products and services. It maintains and manages quality at the executive level. We apply our ISO 9001 certification in our ongoing improvement activities and the creation of quality products and services that incorporate IT technologies.
Development of a quality control system based on ISO 9001

- Consistent division of tasks into specialist categories
We have established a system that does not leave quality control to the translators alone. To ensure a reliable level of quality, each task is divided up into specialist categories with expert staff members at the helm for each process.
Having specialist staff carry out documentation engineering allows us to provide advanced DTP processing and engineering services that can meet challenging client needs, including strict style requirements, terminology and prose control, and short deadlines. - Exhaustive standardization
- We have created and operate a management system that is not dependent solely on the skills of individual employees by applying IT technologies to support work process management.
- Improvement processes
We utilize client feedback and conduct CAPA. We implement initiatives for ongoing improvements by incorporating the PDCA cycle.
In addition, we regularly monitor our operations by carrying out internal audits, with the results then being applied to confirm and improve our work processes.