
Request Procedures for the Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information

With regard to the personal information held by our company, please send requests asking us to issue a notification of the utilization purpose of the personal information, to disclose or correct it, to cease its use, etc. (hereinafter such requests are called a “Request”) in accordance with the following method.

Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information

Administrative Division
SunFlare Co., Ltd.
Shinjuku Hirose Bldg., 4-7 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
Tel.: +81-3-3355-1173 / Fax: +81-3-3355-1204

Confirmation of Principal or of Principal’s Legal Representative

  • Confirmation of Identity of Principal
    For us to accept a Request, we need to confirm the identity of the person making it. Specifically, when submitting a Request for Disclosure of Personal Information or a Request for Correction, etc. of Personal Information, please select one of the following forms of identification: driving license; passport; health insurance card; pension book; Basic Resident Register Card (with photo); Residence Card; or Special Permanent Resident Certificate. Please either visit SunFlare and present us with your selected identification, or send us a copy of it by mail.
  • Confirmation of Legal Representatives or Agents (in the case of a Request made by a representative only)
    Although unnecessary in cases where the principal him or herself makes a Request, when a principal’s legal representative makes a Request, in additional to the confirmation of identity described above, we will also confirm the identity of the representative. Specifically, when submitting a Request for Disclosure of Personal Information or a Request for Correction, etc. of Personal Information, we ask that the representative selects one of the following forms of identification: driving license; passport; health insurance card; pension book; Basic Resident Register Card (with photo); Residence Card; or Special Permanent Resident Certificate. We ask the representative to then either visit SunFlare and present us with the selected identification, or send us a copy of it by mail.
    Additionally, we ask the representative to present to us a document confirming their authority as agent/representative, including: power of attorney; official documents confirming parental authority (family register, etc.); official documents confirming authority as guardian of an adult (certificate of registered matters regarding guardianship of an adult).
    In cases where the confirmation documents include information on domicile, please redact such information prior to submission.

Making Requests Using the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information or the Request for Correction, etc. of Personal Information Form

When making a Request, please use SunFlare’s Request for Disclosure of Personal Information or Request for Correction, etc. of Personal Information.

Accepting Requests for the Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Personal Information

We only accept submissions of the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information and the Request for Correction, etc. of Personal Information either in person or by mail. We do this in order to confirm the identity of the principal (or his or her representative) and to ensure the safe handling of personal information. Furthermore, in cases where a request form is sent to us by mail, we ask that it is sent in a way that permits tracking, such as registered mail or simple registered mail. You will need to pay the postal charges yourself when sending a Request by mail. Furthermore, it would be appreciated if you would write on the outside of the envelope in red ink “Contains Request for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information.”

Handling Charge

We ask that we receive in advance a handling charge of 500 yen for each request where the disclosure of personal information or a notification of the utilization purpose is required. Where the request is delivered in person, please pay when submitting it, and when sending us a request by mail, please enclose a postal money order for 500 yen.

Notification of Results

In cases where a request is delivered in person, we will give a notification of the result to the principal or his/her legal representative as the case may be. Where a request is delivered by mail, we will send the notification results by registered mail to the address on the official identification document that we used to confirm identity.

When We Cannot Comply with a Request

There will be cases where we cannot handle a Request; for example, where we do not have the personal information that is the subject of a request. Even in such cases, we will not refund the handling charge that we received in cases where there is a request for disclosure or notification of the utilization purpose.

Documents to Be Submitted When Requesting Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.

When requesting the disclosure, etc. of personal information, first print either of the two files below as appropriate and fill in all the required information. Together with the documentation required for us to confirm the identity of the principal (or the legal representative), please either deliver the form to us by hand or by mail.

Other Information Regarding the Disclosure of Personal Information

  1. Name of business operator, contact details for administrator of personal information protection, etc.
    Division Manager, Administration Division
    SunFlare Co., Ltd.
    Shinjuku Hirose Bldg., 4-7 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
    Tel.: +81-3-3355-1173 / Fax: +81-3-3355-1204
  2. Utilization purpose of personal information to be disclosed
    Type of personal information to be disclosed Utilization purpose
    SunFlare Academy Mail member, etc. Educational services provided by the Company and distribution of translation related information
    SunFlare Academy student Educational services provided by the Company
    Users of SunFlare Online Shop Sales and delivery of translation software, dictionaries, books, etc. provided by the Company
    Registered translators Registration management of translators, interpreters and editors
    Applicants to become registered translators Advertising for and recruiting translators, interpreters and editors, and informing of them provisional registration decisions
    Employees Employment management of employees
    Job applicants Recruitment, screening and informing of provisional recruitment decisions
  3. Contact details for complaints regarding the handling of personal information to be disclosed Personal Information Protection Administrator (Division Manager), Administration Division
    SunFlare Co., Ltd.
    Shinjuku Hirose Bldg., 4-7 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
    Tel.: +81-3-3355-1173 / Fax: +81-3-3355-1204
    Open for inquiries: Monday to Friday 09:30 to 18:30 (excluding public holidays)

About Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

The Company is a company subject to JIPDEC, an accredited personal information protection organization. If you have complaints and consultations in relation to personal information handled by us, you may directly address to JIPDEC using the contact information below.

Contact Information for JIPDEC
Contact: Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office
Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan

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